Hello all, its 0730 and wake up time! Woo hoo!! Hey, can we go sailing? Up here in the mountains, it’s pretty chilly still, and its summertime. Good for sleeping, though. Clear and sunny, nice breeze- hopefully today’s fleet racing will be less frustrating (and a little shorter) than yesterday’s “Fun” race.
We enjoy a casual morning with Darlene and Ray. Wonderful hosts, beautiful location and great coffee by Ray.
Hey cool, they do have sun here at Deep Creek Lake
More randomness;
Dave’s been talking with Harry (Carpenter, the builder of our boats) about trading for a new-to-us aluminum trailer. Harry seems willing to work a deal. We will see today.
More mileage numbers for those of you paying attention to this part of our adventure (silly, I almost used the word “Odyssey”). The E light was on, filled up with 15.6 gal, and we traveled almost 300 mi, making that almost 20 mpg, pretty good for the Ody. She’s done well towing and chugging up and down all those mountains.
I’m apparently riding with Mario Andretti through these crazy hills and dales. With overdrive, down hills are quite an adventure (generally, I have decided not to watch).
More thoughts on last night’s affair at the DCYC: It included a parade, birthday and anniversary wishes to the Flying Scot all wrapped up in one. More bagpipes (memories of Dunedin) and scandalous kilt wearing by boys and girls. Amy and I definitely think Stacey and Clinton ( from TLC’s What not to Wear) need to be consulted re: skirt lengths for this season.
Racing was another experience in lake sailing. Worried there wouldn’t be enough wind as we were slowly making our way out to the course. Everyone seems to have their own personal wind! We decide to start at the pin and time it pretty well we immediately tack to port as does most of the fleet so we look golden, soon we are laying the weather mark, still on port tack. This, of course lasts about 30 seconds and the wind does some crazy shifting and suddenly the boats that started at the other end (read; last place) are crossing the fleet. We can’t believe this crap. I think we rounded third. For the first half of the spinnaker run the first boats leaves all the rest of us and soon has a 15 boat lead. Dammit! The second half of the run has the fleet catching up and we manage to get an overlap at the leeward mark so now we are first. We immediatly lose our lead and drop back to third. Easy come easy go. More cursing from Kim. Looks like breeze out to the left so we tack and go to the corner, one tack to the finish and we come back to win the race. Finally, but we are out of beer...back to the club.
More fleet racing as seen from the club
The group we raced with does 2 races with lunch break in between. Not wanting to wear out the welcome (we are also meeting with Harry) we had a wonderful lunch at the club with Darlene and Ray and more of their friends. After lunch most sailors head
1545 Up to the factory we go!
Meet Harry and sign the final paperwork on the trailer deal. Hope you guys get to see the pictures later when we download ‘em. Harry and Karen are absolutely wonderful!! No trouble spending time talking with them, hope they come visit!
Sebolds is OPEN!
PS Rumors are that the Fishing Bay YC was hit by a microburst either Thursday or Friday, right after we left. What are the odds of that happening two years in a row?
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