I know you are staying up late, waiting for my emails. Hell, Andy calls me everyday for an update. We have the best fleet captain in the world.
I have some house keeping to catch up on. First Chip wanted me to let everyone know that in the first race (while he was a ground) he got passed by a couple of Challenger fleet boats. Fortunately, they rallied past those uppity challengers and put them back in there place.
Tonight at the Annual meeting members of our fleet scored some awards:
And the first award goes to ......... Andy Hayward
Scots-N-Water Editor's Award 2008 Individual Fleet Contributing the Most.
Yeah Andy!!! Keep the articles coming.
The second award goes to ......... David Thinel
Scots-N-Water Editor's Award 2008 District Governor Whose District Contributed the Most.
Yeah Dave!!! Keep bugging Andy to write more articles.
OK, on to today's racing.
Today there was WIND and we did not run aground while racing!
Race 1 was 10 knots and building. Dad and I popped of the pin end between Josh Goldman and Allen Turhune. Normally this would be a bad spot but we were rocking. Allen spent most of the beat yelling at me to put the bow down. Point and speed - gotta love that. Tacks are not are friend but straight line speed is good. Chip and Hunter also had the boat moving. We finished 14th. After the race we noticed Hunter sitting on the bow of the boat. I thought he was retuning. Nope broke the fore-stay. Hunter pulled a McGuiver and fixed the fore-stay. I will try to attach a picture of his handy work to this mail.
Race 2 - scored another 14. Spend much of the time sailing with Freds S. and Josh.
Race 3 - wind picked up to 15 or so. We started at the boat. Had a great 1st beat. On the 2nd beat we messed up and went left - lost 10 boats. BIG 20 degree righty. Finished 26. Guess who hit me ....... can you guess? 15 hour drive and the Freds hit us on a port/starboard crossing. We could of done this at home. I think Fred fell down in the boat, he plunked us in the transom.
Back to Chip/Hunter and the broken fore-stay. Chip decided to purchase all new shrouds. Joking around we decided to check to see if the new shrouds were the same length. NOPE! Harry came over with 5 more shrouds and we searched for a "matched pair". Ever have one of those regattas? I think Chip is having one of those regattas. Oh yeah, before I forget. Chip go to http://scotsrock.us/ and sign up as a member of our fleet. Click on the LOGIN menu choice click the Join Fleet 168 button. We'll hit you up for $20 later.
Oh Yeah - Dad is doing a great job and we are having fun. At least I am and he is still talking to me, guess that is a good sign.
One race tomorrow then done. Could move a place or 2 with a miracle. They raced 3 today because of thunderstorms and a front scheduled for tonight. Worried might be 20+ knots.
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