Tuesday, February 2, 2010

One Out of Two on Lake Eustis

The forecast this weekend was for strong winds both Saturday and Sunday. The forecast was wrong on Saturday and we got in two races, but was all too accurate on Sunday and racing was canceled.

On Saturday seven Scots sailed. They included Jack Bazner and Joe Lobato on 3387, Chris Erichsen and Steven Yates on 5339, Ray Laguna and Glenda Libby on 5770, Greg Murphy and Scott Walsh with special guest Francois Simon on 5703, Larry Klick and Nick Chorley on 5150, Ron Baerwitz and Dean Grimes on 3360 and Todd Hunter and me on 5810.

The wind started steady and looked like it would build as predicted – right up to the time it dissolved into a still, cold shower. Both races were on shortened courses and finished downwind; the first after two laps and the second after just one.

In the first race, starboard was favored but people seemed to want to go right to look for more wind. The conditions kept most of the fleet close at the finish. Ron and Dean on 3360 were fasted and finished first. Larry and Nick on 5150 followed in second, just a few lengths astern. Todd and I on 5810 were third, following Larry and Nick by another few boat lengths.

The second race began in a declining breeze and finished in a near calm with rain. We all owe thanks to the Race Committee for keeping it to just one lap! The one downwind leg was a cold, wet drift, and went from a run to a port tack reach. Ron and Dean on 3360 and Larry and Nick on 5150 battled in slow motion for the left end of the finish line only to look up and find Ray and Glenda on 5770 steaming in from the right to steal first place. Ron and Dean crossed second, and Larry and Nick followed in third.

Then? Then we all got out our paddles and rowed back to the dock, soaking wet. At least the exertion kept away the chill.

On Sunday, the forecast for strong wind turned out to be all too true. A number of Scots left the dock, but the Race Committee soon sent everyone back home.

The next club racing weekend is February 13 and 14. That will be the third weekend (out of five) of our Norton series.

If you haven’t already registered for the George Washington Birthday Regatta on February 20 and 21, please do so as soon as you can. You can register on www.regattaregistration.com.

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