Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sarasota One Design Midwinters

The Sarasota Sailing Squadron hosts this multi-class regatta every year about this time. Being our favorite venue in Florida we like to attend even though it is not on our district schedule and the Scot turnout is fairly low.

The weekend forecast was perfect for Saturday and stormy for Sunday so we thought about bailing out at the last minute. The thought was why pay a regatta entry fee (late) and the dog sitter fee for what would likely be a Saturday only race. In the end we set "Let's Go", it has been too long since we sailed there.

Saturday was just as forecasted; mid seventies, bright sun and fairly steady breeze around 10 knots. We shared the course with E Scows only and with rolling starts we sailed five races by around 4 pm when we called it a day.

Some photos from the weather mark courtesy of Susan and John Domagala

We ended the day tied with Doug Fisher with 11 points but he had the tiebreaker and Chuck Koch was one point back in third.
For a mild day, we had two odd gear failures, the mainsheet block/cleat pulled out of the top of the centerboard trunk on Jeff Penfield and Don Perry's boats, both are 5300 series boats. Strange...

An awesome day of sailing was followed by the low country boil of shrimp (big ones) sausage, potatoes, and corn. I'm getting hungry again just thinking about it!

Sunday was pretty much as forecasted as well, which was crap. After a short postponement in some squally weather the racing was canceled for the day so Saturday's results were final.

Our plan had been to leave Sarasota and head towards New Orleans for the mids but we pulled the plug on that plan Sat am. Driving home Sunday afternoon in a steady sometimes hard rain made me thankful for that decision. By the end of the week I'll probably regret it though.

Spending a weekend in Sarasota is hard to beat especially since the Pardeys and Penfields offer up some primo housing! Thank You!


Bob and Bren said...

Thanks for joining us at the Regatta. It was great to see you guys again!

Unknown said...

It was great to visit SSS again, it had been way to long!