Sanding the glass smooth and flush with the hull
Another view of the sanded area
Sanded and ready to fill the inevitable small voids
The filler applied is 3M Marine Filler which sets up quickly and sands well
Sanding the filler smooth
Sanded smooth and papered and ready to spray the gelcoat
Gelcoat being sprayed
More spraying
Almost done with gelcoat
Here we have the gelcoat finished and curing, once cured the paper will come off
We sanded the area with 600 grit to knock down the overspray and finish the repair
We spent little time trying to match the gelcoat because it would have been impossible anyway. The existing gelcoat is old and has tiny crackes everywhere so matching the texture would be impossible. So we sanded it to 600 and called it good. At that point it only has a slight gloss which helps it blend. Ordinarily you would sand to 2000 then buff for a high gloss but that would have looked silly against the rest of the old boat. I figure a few outings at the club with some dock rash from the rubber bumpers strategically placed and you will never spot the repair.
i still think you should've painted a target on the spot!
I guess the hole proves a target wasn't necessary. Don't want any more!
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