Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday Day 1 Qualifiers

Last night they awarded the Women's NAC Winners, Edie Sullivan, Wendy Diard, and Heidi Gough on the 1st place boat and Morgan Iriel, Kenzie Currie and Kaaren Rue on the 2nd place boat. They had some good wind yesterday, and those we spoke to said they had fun! Team Tampa was solid in the Junior division with father/son representatives Hobbs and Taylor taking home the trophies for 1st and 2nd. Great work, so proud!

Tis morning was interesting because the start was to be at 9:30, which means we all had to be early risers. Several folks launched their boats with their own vehicles to ensure making it to the warning signal on time. The club has tractors available to assist with launching and hauling out, as well, but the addition of the trucks seemed to make the process more smooth. The fleet is split between the ramp and the hoist side of the cove, so we can only really speak to the ramp launching side of the business. We were one of the first to launch with the tractor, so we were able to leisurely put the sails on and head out to the course. Why is it we only see a mark boat? The RC boat remained on the dock, due to the on shore postponement during which we all came back to the dock, as the wind (light to start with) started to die. As folks tied their boats up, John Wake performed a lovely reverse triple lindy to the delight of the crowd! After lunch, a training swim for Deb Aronsen, and a quick siesta for some, listening intently to the radio, we heard they were planning to take down the postponement flag as the random puffs started to organize into some measurable breeze. Everyone scattered! We left the pleasant porch of the Ryan/Kreidler house, re-loaded the cooler and hopped on the boat! If only Dave weren't so tired! Why is Jeff Linton running to the boat? Oh, the dock is hot and his shoes are on the boat...overheard, "I've never seen Jeff Linton run before!"

One race completed, light air, and a crazy shift at the end, not sure why they didn't try for 2 shorter races, but it was nice to have some time to work some bugs out. Again, Team Tampa finished strong (it is still qualifying races, but we're pleased) Morgans were 7th in their race, Lintons 2nd, then in the other group Hobbs were 9th, Taylors 11th, and we were 3rd. Good work, team!

Dinner and, more importantly, beer and wine served to the 68 boats present. One boat retired before starting, hope everything's ok.

Quote of the day; Amy is wearing a fluorescent orange sailing shirt (can be seen from about 10 miles away) and proclaims, "Don't round me bro". If you don't get it you probably don't race sailboats...

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