Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The real racing begins...

Today is the first "real" day of racing. This morning, the water was calm, and folks were saying it's starting off worse than yesterday. (Lighter wind)
The RC was going with the forecast and set up a course. We were slow to get going, and they politely postponed to let everyone leave the harbor and have a chance to get to the racecourse.
The RC gamely went after 2 races today. The first, a 5 legger, with variable breeze. The second, in somewhat less breeze, dying around some of us on the torturous downwind leg, and they shortened to 3 legs. We had an ok day, could have been better but after talking with some others it could have been much worse. Results are posted on

If you are into another take on things there is Amy's site she has a lot more words than us plus she's smart, so check it out.

Phew! Races over, time for swimming, drinking, snacking, kibitzing, napping, reading, boat adjusting (wow, we were busy), dinner with ferocious ankle biters! Sleep. The RC is already suggesting that we find alternate activities for tomorrow. Hmmmmmm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh go on! I am not smarter. I might have more words, but usually that's not something to brag about!