Last night, the fajita and margarita party was excellent at the time, but made the 9:30 am start time a little tough to manage this morning (especially for Kim, who really shouldn't have had those last 2).
Dedicated crew hard at work
We had 2 nice races today, long 5 leggers that were a little over an hour long, put us back at the dock around noon. Harry continued the clinic he started yesterday with a first and second on Sunday and first overall. Congratulations to him and Adam Keene.
Harry and Adam picking up the loot
Second was Chris Danilek, third Peter Beam and we moved up to fourth. They had more food and awards, and we were on the road a little after 2-ish.
On route 26, just south of Columbia, we saw an interesting site. We thought, a submarine? Really??
Submarine guy doing about 53 mph! Ugh!!
6:15 entered Hardeeville, finished book (good work, Thorn – save the day, but lose the girl…ah, well), stopped for gas.
7:00-ish, the search for a hotel for the night begins. Exit 94 on I-95 had good restaurants, but none of the hotels looked great, maybe the cops in the parking lot, and the signs saying something like, "Not responsible for stolen items or cars" scared us away.
7:45 Exit 49 wins. Darien's Super 8 will be our home for the night. $50.00-cheap. We'll definitely Priceline something next time…
Great having you folks here! I hope I can sail with you in Florida sometime.
Geoff Spencer
It was great having you here for the Great 48! I hope I can sail with you sometime in Florida.
Geoff Spencer
Thanks Geoff, it was great to visit LNYC again. We will return again in the fall. Come sail with us in FL.
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